Wind phobia (ancraophobia) - as an example of simple phobia. The case report.
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Psychiatr Pol 2009;43(5):581-592
The subject of the paper is the presentation of simple phobias, with particular attention to those connected with natural environment, their classification according to ICD-10 and DSM-IV systems, current views on aetiology and pathogenesis of phobic fear, as well as treatment methods. Among pathogenic factors of simple phobia, genetic predisposition, harmful environmental factors in early childhood and intrapsychic conflicts have been considered. In the paper, the results of neuroimaging studies in phobic patients were also presented as well as evolutionary aspects leading to persisting predisposition to phobic traits in the population. Epidemiologic studies point to a marked prevalence of simple phobias. Psychotherapy is regarded a basic treatment method for simple phobias: in-vivo exposure and cognitive-behavioral therapy have been proved effective. The case report of a hospitalized patient with wind phobia (ancraophobia) supplements the theoretical part. Clinical observation allowed for a detailed identification of symptoms of the disorder and selection of pharmacological treatment complementary to psychotherapy. A Substantial improvement has been obtained in the patient described after combination treatment with psychoanalytic therapy and paroxetine, 20 mg per day.
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