Frequency of subjectively assessed symptoms of sexual dysfunction and sexual disorders
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Psychiatr Pol 2009;43(6):705-718
Aim. Assessment of the frequency of subjectively assessed symptoms of sexual dysfunctions and sexual disorders in patients with schizophrenia in comparison with general population results. Method. The study was anonymous and was conducted on a group of 56 persons with schizophrenia - patients of psychiatric hospital day-wards. A Sexological Questionnaire was used, which was based on the ICD-10 criteria. The questions contained, concern Subjective perception of the occurrence of symptoms within the last 6 months. Results. The symptoms of at least one dysfunction were reported by 93% patients (96% of women and 90% of men), symptoms of at least one disorder of sexual preference by 53.6% patients (36% of women and 71% of men). Symptoms of at least one sexual dysfunction or disorders of sexual preference were confirmed by 96.4% of patients, most of whom reported signs of numerous conditions. The results achieved on frequencies in the study, were significantly higher than the ones in the Report on sexuality of Poles done by Lew-Starowicz in 2002. Symptoms characteristic for sexual identity disorders were declared by 5 patients (9%). Almost 20% of the persons admitted to a constant attraction towards the same sex, whilst 10.6% of the do riot accept their homosexual orientation; 17.8% reported having doubts about their orientation. Conclusion. The obtained results point to a need of further studies with resembling methodology, on a more representative and larger group of people with schizophrenia. Confirmation of the data gathered in the pilot Study Would imply a necessity of introducing effective methods of evaluating Sexual problems within a routine diagnostic and therapeutic proceedings. The presented results Suggest that every patient with schizophrenia requires a discussion about sexual dysfunctions and disorders, as well as therapeutic actions in case of their prevalence.
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