Pathological personality traits from ICD-11 and attachment – Comparison of 10 models of attachment dimensions
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Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Submission date: 2023-02-18
Final revision date: 2023-04-19
Acceptance date: 2023-05-08
Online publication date: 2023-07-13
Publication date: 2023-07-13
The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between personality disorders according to the new ICD-11 dimensional approach and attachment. To do so, we examined ten models of attachment and employed seven questionnaires.
The study was conducted online and involved a non-clinical group of N = 391 (68% women, 30% men, and 2% – people who marked the “gender – other” category, aged 16–65 yeas; M = 24.91; SD = 7.8). Attachment was measured using seven questionnaires, and the Polish adaptation of the PiCD Questionnaire was used to measure personality disorders according to ICD-11.
The regression analysis revealed a consistent picture of the relationship between insecure attachment (regardless of model) and personality disorders. “Negative Affectivity” and “Disinhibition” are associated with Anxious attachment, while “Detachment” and “Dissociality” with Avoidant attachment. “Anankastia” showed only a sporadic association with attachment.
Attachment (according to theoretical models formed in childhood) is significantly related to personality disorders in adults. In the conducted study, a coherent picture of this relationship was obtained thanks to the use of many conceptualizations and operationalizations of attachment.